Boost (5) C++ (11) C++11 (9) Containers (1) D (1) Go (1) Linux (1) Networking (1) TBB (2) eBPF (1) iOS (1) metaprogramming (3)

 Boost (5)

On List Comprehension in C++
Iterating over a text file
More fun with Intel TBB and Boost.Proto (and Boost.Fusion)
Fun with Intel TBB and Boost.Proto
Deferring execution

 C++ (11)

Google C++ Style Guide is No Good
Smart Pointers in Function Arguments
Factory functions and their return types
Lazy approach to assignment operators
On List Comprehension in C++
Iterating over a text file
More fun with Intel TBB and Boost.Proto (and Boost.Fusion)
Fun with Intel TBB and Boost.Proto
Deferring execution
Recursing constexpr - Part II
Recursing a constexpr

 C++11 (9)

Factory functions and their return types
Lazy approach to assignment operators
On List Comprehension in C++
Iterating over a text file
More fun with Intel TBB and Boost.Proto (and Boost.Fusion)
Fun with Intel TBB and Boost.Proto
Deferring execution
Recursing constexpr - Part II
Recursing a constexpr

 Containers (1)

Break open that container!

 D (1)

Deferring execution

 Go (1)

Deferring execution

 Linux (1)

Break open that container!

 Networking (1)

Folding SSL/TLS into TCP to gain efficiency

 TBB (2)

More fun with Intel TBB and Boost.Proto (and Boost.Fusion)
Fun with Intel TBB and Boost.Proto

 eBPF (1)

Extracting kprobe parameters in eBPF

 iOS (1)

LastPark: my first iPhone app gone wrong

 metaprogramming (3)

More fun with Intel TBB and Boost.Proto (and Boost.Fusion)
Recursing constexpr - Part II
Recursing a constexpr